Subscription Orders
Please "REPLY ALL" with "CONFIRMED" to your new subscription emails to accept the order.
Starting Monday, October 29th: You will receive New Subscription Order messages. There is a 30 minute window to accept or reject a subscription order. If no action is taken in those 30 minutes, the order may be cancelled. Please review the order details and accept only if you are completely able to fulfill the entire subscription.
Consumer Orders
There is a 2 business hour window to accept or reject a consumer order. If no action is taken as those 2 business hours pass, the order will be automatically accepted and added into your portal. Business hours are 7:00am - 5:00pm local time on your shop's operating days (ie. Monday - Saturday). Please email: to inform them of your closed business days in advance, including holidays or special closures.
Read more: What's the Difference between Consumer and Subscription Order?
To accept a new order on the order details page, click on the "Accept" button. These orders will have "Pending Filler Action" statuses.
You can also accept or reject an order directly on the "New Order" message the Messages tab.
Read more about managing your consumer orders.